
What is your spiritual ritual?

Not really a ritual, but an ongoing conversation that I’ve discovered I can plug into what, I believe, is God and His Wisdom and Truth.

It began one night, after actively asking all those questions that we ask ourselves. Not for necessarily a long time, but also probably, unconsciously, all of my life. Anyway, this night I thought there was, what sounded and felt like, electricity running through the walls. I asked my husband about it and he couldn’t feel anything. So I got up with a glass to the walls but couldn’t hear it.

I then noticed this happening quite a bit, especially when I was in contemplation. Of course, I thought I had something seriously wrong with my brain! I don’t really know what brought me to the realisation that it was contact with something outside of me, but it came to me so I put it to the test. Asking questions that I knew the answers to be factual … like, my name is, and seeing what results I got. For a factual result I got the vibrational feeling in my forehead area, and unfactual there was no response. Quite often there is quite a lot of this fluttering afterwards, which I take as further information, yet I don’t trust myself with deciphering completely. Even when there is a negative response after a short time, there will be more ‘information’ received.

I use this facility to help me determine which books to read, channels to follow, and things like that – but not about parking spots. 🙂

I have now found a system that helps me to use this ability to discover and release trapped emotions for myself and others. Those emotions we hold onto that do not serve us and can set us on a path away from who we truly are and we’re created to be. … One thing leads to another. Let that ‘thing’ lead us home and not in the other direction.